Leading Federal Lawyers in San Marcos, CA, For Your Defense

Leading Federal Lawyers in San Marcos, CA, For Your Defense

The team of federal lawyers in San Marcos, CA, knows that the charges vary according to cases. Unfortunately, federal agencies have launched an investigation against you. Now, you fear for your future. Our legal team will ensure your integrity so you do not panic. You do not have to face the unknown legal proceedings alone.

Why is the government charging me with federal crimes in California?

At our firm, the federal lawyers in San Marcos, CA, explain the crimes to the clients. As a result, they understand why the prosecution is pursuing a federal offense. The accused has violated the US and state laws. Thus, they must face a federal judge. The list of federal crimes includes:

  1. Bribing a state officer, police, or an agent
  2. Corruption
  3. Drug trafficking, transportation, and manufacturing
  4. Embezzlement of funds.
  5. Illegally owning and using a firm.
  6. Healthcare fraud, insurance fraud
  7. Copyright and identity theft
  8. Crimes related to immigration
  9. Money Laundering
  10. Sex crimes
  11. Tax, bank, and deposit fraud

In addition, you will need to hire a federal crimes lawyer if you have committed crimes on government property or against a federal employee. You must contact our federal lawyers in San Marcos, CA, to comprehend the context of the crime and charges.

Why is a federal arrest uniformed?

Federal agents use hidden operations, resources, and concealed methods to build the case. As a result, the accused does not know they government is investigating them. Common methods that federal agents may use are wiretapping, tape recording, and other techniques to benefit their argument.

In addition, a federal agent is not legally obligated to inform the accused of the investigation. However, if a federal agency is charging you with an offense, their agents are fully prepared to get you convicted. Therefore, contact our federal lawyers in San Marcos, CA, immediately after the arrest.

How are our federal lawyers in San Marcos, CA, helpful?

Our federal lawyers in San Marcos, CA, are very experienced in representing different forms of clients. The team will guide the client as soon as possible. Here is how:

  1. Firstly, our federal lawyers in San Marcos, CA, will read to their clients that they have according to the constitution. As a result, the client can handle matters with the FBI, police, and other agencies until their lawyer arrives.
  2. Our legal team will investigate the events and the circumstances. They will scrutinize the case that the prosecution is presenting. As a result, it weakens their argument.
  3. In addition, the lawyers will negotiate with the prosecutors on their behave. They might reduce or drop the charges if the negotiation is successful.
  4. Furthermore, our federal lawyers in San Marcos, CA, have extensive information about which motions to file. The procedure suppresses the evidence. As a result, the court drops the charges.
  5. The lawyers will discuss multiple strategies to reduce the punishments if the court convicts the client.
  6. Lastly, our legal team will provide excellent representation at trial.
  7. Also, our lawyer will explain the prosecution charges and the sentence. Moreover, they will highlight the strengths in the agency’s case to convince you of a plea bargain.

Which defenses do our federal lawyers in San Marcos, CA, use?

Our skilled and competent federal lawyers in San Marcos, CA, will do their best to convince the prosecution before the trial. In addition, they will use the following strategies for a win.

  1. Firstly, the federal lawyers in San Marcos, CA, will argue that the agency violated the client’s Fourth Amendment rights. In other words, the officer performed an illegal search or operated without a warrant.
  2. Secondly, the lawyer can also argue violations of Miranda Rights. The lawyer will prove that the statements were spoken inaudibly or too quickly. Therefore, the client could not process the information.
  3. The federal crimes lawyer will introduce entrapment in the case. They will convince the court that someone induced their client to commit the crime.
  4. In addition, the lawyer will argue in front of the jury that the crime was done under duress. Unfortunately, someone was threatening their client and their family.
  5. The crime was an act of self-defense.
  6. Lastly, the prosecution has misidentified the accused. A new search is necessary.

Our experienced federal lawyers in San Marcos, CA, will build the most powerful defense after studying the details. They aim to prevent conviction. You cannot rely on public lawyers because their defense backfires in court. Hire us today.

Why hire our federal lawyers in San Marcos, CA?

An agency charging you with federal crimes does not mean you are guilty. Therefore, our federal lawyers in San Marcos, CA, become a bridge between you and the prosecution:

Firstly, our federal lawyers will make efforts for an arrangement with the US Attorney’s office. They will convince the prosecution to reduce charges, dismissal, or other options. If the case goes to trial, our trials are ready to fight.

Moreover, federal crimes can result in serious penalties, legally and financially. Usually, a conviction carries a long sentence. If the court convicts you of money laundering in San Marcos, you will spend two decades in prison. In addition, the fines are $500,000.

The drug charges are also huge. A conviction follows three to five years in jail. Furthermore, the convicted pays fines of a maximum of $20,000. However, if the charges involve minors or distributions, the court will increase penalties.

At our law office, our accomplished federal lawyers in San Marcos, CA, understand the emotional stress of the client. They do not know how the investigation will proceed. Moreover, the prosecution can add charges anytime during the trial. Subsequently, the arrest at court can harm one’s reputation.

Contact our law firm today.

When an arrest threatens your freedom, you need the assistance of our federal lawyers in San Marcos, CA. You can trust them with tangible results inside and outside of the courtroom. Call us today to learn how we can reduce or eliminate the federal charges.

The lawyer will share the best strategy to minimize the damages while ensuring a favorable outcome. The team will factor in your needs. We insist you do not leave the future on the probability that the court might acquit you. Take the reigns of your future!