Discuss Case Details with Our Domestic Violence Lawyers in Poway, CA

Discuss Case Details with Our Domestic Violence Lawyers in Poway, CA

You will need to talk to domestic violence lawyers in Poway, CA if your partner is losing themselves to alcohol, drugs, and stress. Unfortunately, some individuals do not feel safe in their homes. If you wish to seek comfort, consult with a legal expert in family law. Our lawyers have a successful history with their clients in winning their cases.

You can trust us, undoubtedly. Our lawyers understand what their clients are going through. Moreover, they are also sensitive to your feelings and emotions. The legal minds value your privacy and will not inquire about details that are beyond their jurisdiction. Let us become your partner if your domestic life is uncertain.

What is the meaning of domestic violence?

The California Penal Code 13700 defines domestic violence as abuse done against an intimate partner. Furthermore, domestic violence lawyers in Poway, CA, interpret “intimate partner” differently. It is a spouse, a previous partner, a live-in partner, a fiancé/fiancée, or anyone you are in a serious relationship with. A co-parent is also a partner.

The same laws apply to the domestic violence of other members as well. According to the regulations, you cannot hurt or abuse children, grandchildren, parents, aunts, and uncles. Moreover, grandparents must not be harmed as well.

Domestic violence has many categories that influence the severity of the penalty. Furthermore, domestic cases are a wobbler crime in Poway, CA. In other words, the prosecution decides whether to charge the criminal as a misdemeanor or a felony.

The domestic violence lawyers in Poway, CA, will argue why felony charges apply if the circumstances involve battery, abuse, or threatening behavior. On the other hand, the prosecution will insist negligent attitude is a misdemeanor. Therefore, it is up to the court to decide how the case proceeds. The judge will study:

  1. Firstly, the previous criminal record of the accused
  2. Moreover, the severity of the issue.
  3. Lastly, the injuries that the victim has sustained.

Why do you need to consult domestic violence lawyers in Poway, CA?

Understanding laws

The domestic violence lawyers in Poway, CA, defend their clients from a wide array of crimes. Emotional and physical abuse are the different categories of crime. California laws take crime very seriously. Consequently, the punishments are harsh. Firstly, you have to pay fines. Also, you will face a restraining order or imprisonment. Our experienced lawyers know the legal nuances. Therefore, they are with you every step of the trial.

Compassionate for the victims

The domestic violence lawyers in Poway, CA, at our firm, understand that the circumstances are very complex. You could be a victim who seeks protection. On the other hand, some individuals are facing false accusations. Our team is full of support and offers unwavering guidance. Moreover, our approach is centered on benefiting the client. We will customize the strategies to meet the needs of each case.

The legal procedures are intimidating. However, you will feel overwhelmed if you are new to the legal complexities. They will guide you at every hearing. The lawyers will stand with you throughout courtroom procedures.

The lawyers will explain the options, rights, and potential consequences. You can understand the terms clearly. As a result, the client is empowered to make the right decision.

Create a strong defense

The defense is crucial to winning the case. Our domestic violence lawyers in Poway, CA, delegate different responsibilities to the staff. Our firm will investigate the accusations. They will only gather evidence that is relevant to the case. The lawyers will examine testimonies, alibies, and witness reports to defend the client.

A wide range of resources

The legal experts understand the importance of community resources. They have an extensive network to support the client. Our staff will connect with their clients to local committees, organizations, and services that advocate against domestic violence. They offer counseling, support groups, and housing so the victims can navigate the challenges easily.

What are the penalties for domestic violence in Poway, CA?

The following consequences apply whether the prosecution is going for a felony or misdemeanor charge. However, the outcome may vary according to the kind of domestic violence and the associated damage.

  1. Firstly, the court will add the crime details to the permanent record.
  2. In addition, you can lose the visit your children.
  3. Unfortunately, you can no longer carry a gun.
  4. The court will implement probation, restitution, and other monetary charges.

Our domestic violence lawyers in Poway, CA, understand that the victim has already undergone an ordeal. Therefore, hire us to ensure that we will protect your rights. Furthermore, the lawyer is dedicated to serving justice to the wrongdoer. Our legal services are excellent. We will offer you everything, including a proper understanding of the law. As a result, you can make the right decision promptly.

As the most competent domestic violence lawyers in Poway, CA, we understand it is crucial to handle legal matters discreetly. Moreover, the team of lawyers also knows that defending arguments can get out of hand. While the prosecution is mishandling matters, the abusers are roaming freely. They deserve the penalties according to the law.

As soon we receive a call from our client who is facing domestic issues, our team immediately arrives at the address. We will rescue, safeguard, and shift the victim to a safe location. Only their domestic violence lawyers in Poway, CA, will know the safehouse addresses. Meanwhile, the staff will work on building a strong defense. Moreover, we will file relevant authorities. At the same time, the lawyers communicate with other authorities.

The victim does not need to appear in court if they fear the vents. Your lawyers will represent you throughout the trial effectively. Moreover, the team will handle complexities as they surface. We will get you the Victim Protective Order to ensure your safety.

Contact our domestic violence lawyers in Poway, CA, today

In addition to defense and legal interpretation, our firm is also offering information services. Unfortunately, the law is not easy to understand. You can contact us for legalese transformation involving domestic abuse. Thus, you know of the rights and are aware of constitutional violations as well.

Visit our website to schedule a meeting with our lawyers. You can contact us via phone or email. The first meeting is risk-free and does not involve obligations. You can consult with the lawyer in detail in a comfortable setting.