

Transportation of Firearms in California

by Samantha Greene

Laws are very strict concerning transportation of firearms, however California permits firearms to be transported in motor vehicles under certain requirements and restrictions.

Medical Identity Theft

by Samantha Greene

Definition of Medical Identity Theft Identity theft is the fraudulent stealing of somebody’s personal information, such as name and social security number, in order to acquire personal gain, such as money, personal gratification, or prestige.

California Petty Theft

by Samantha Greene

In California the Penal Code Sections 484 and 488 are two sections under which petty theft is handled and prosecuted, depending on the circumstances involved with the charges.

Reduction of Bail

by Samantha Greene

California Law entitles a person to receive bail so they can be released from jail until their Court date.

Motion to Prove Factual Innocence

by Samantha Greene

When a person is arrested for criminal conduct but is actually innocent, the charges against them aren’t always filed and the case may actually have been dismissed by the court.